Thursday, November 11, 2010

My commentary of a Stage Five blog...

I have chosen to write a commentary on Carleen's Stage Five blog titled "Freedom or Equality." 

Carleen starts off this blog with a rant about how much she dislikes Texas and basically calls Texans obese, self-absorbed bigots that have little regard for the planet.  She also chose to write the first 1/3 of the blog about what the blog will not be about, which seems a bit off topic to me, and makes the overall work a bit confusing.  I personally think the blog would have been wonderful if she had chosen to focus the entire blog on the many unique governmental policies that make Texas a great place to live!

Moving on to the remaining 2/3 of her blog, she explains the basic value Texans place on  their personal freedoms and their right to make decisions for themselves.  On this portion of the blog I agree with Carleen and I think she does a good job explaining the two examples she provides of laws that allow Texans to make their own choice.  I have personally used both of her examples and I am glad they exist.  Many people choose to do things everyday that are potentially dangerous or that may not be good for them in the long run, but it is their choice, and that is the important part.  Another good example of freedoms we enjoy here is our ability to provide protection for ourselves and our families with a concealed weapon permit.  Many States do not allow this, but I know I feel safer knowing that anyone around me could be a responsible gun carrier that has the ability to react if a nut job pops up.  I think US government could take a lesson from the Texas state of mind, and learn that micro-managing the daily lives of it populous is unnecessary and unwanted.  I also agree with Carleen that living in Texas is refreshing and filled with friendly smiles!

Thanks Yall'

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